Waste Solutions FAQ
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Reports & Invoices
Contact our credit control team at BusinessCreditControl@panda.ie to cancel a direct debit or make invoicing changes to your account. Please make sure you have your account number and business name ready.
If you've signed up for our ‘Invoice by Post’ service, your PDF invoice may not appear in your customer portal. Want to save paper? Ask our customer care team about paperless and hybrid options.
Don’t panic! Starrus Eco Holdings, Panda, Greenstar and A1 are all part of the same company. Sorry for any confusion this has caused.
Online waste reports are scheduled to be uploaded from the eighth working day of each month, and can be accessed through your Business Customer portal. To view current and past reports, simply login to your portal area and select ‘Reports’ from the menu options. If you need to see a report prior to your portal registration this can request directly from the Panda team by emailing BusinessSupport@panda.ie.
Can't see your waste report? Remember, reports will only be created when a collection has taken place.
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Mon to Friday 8am-6pm. Saturdays & Bank Holidays 8am-3pm