These days, it’s become increasingly more important to adapt sustainable practices when it comes to your business. Not only can it help you earn more money and boost net profit, but it also adds value to your brand, attracts new talent and opportunities, and increases the efficiency of your business. It’s not just a trend, but crucial that businesses don’t just talk the talk. Sustainability should be a top priority when considering your business agenda.
To successfully make your business more sustainable, follow Panda’s top tips.
1. Set A Mission Statement
A mission statement is the best place to start when thinking about the future of your business. It defines your company’s purpose and sets out clear primary objectives for what you want to achieve through your sustainability strategy.
A green-focused mission statement is fundamental for outlining a company’s sustainability efforts and what they plan to achieve. It also gives the entire organisation and its stakeholders an understanding of what’s important to your business and how they can contribute toward a united goal.
Want an example of a green-focused mission statement? Look no further than Panda. We’ve combined our corporate mission and sustainability mission into one overarching mission.
Our mission is… To shape a better future for our families and friends by making sustainable choices easy and affordable, and enabling our customers to leave a greener footprint.
We do this by leading the way in green energy and waste management solutions. We don’t just talk sustainability, we do it. From recycling to renewable energy — and even our own business practice — we put the environment at the heart of everything we do.
2. Be Prepared To Invest
You’ve got to invest financially initially if you want to see the results. It’s natural to be fearful of the cost, but you’ll see the fruits of that investment in the overall bottom line. Remember, going green means using fewer or more sustainable resources, which decreases production costs. Think of this investment as a wise financial strategy as opposed to a compromise.
3. Assign a Green Committee
Adapting to cultural change in the workplace environment is necessary for the success of a sustainability strategy. To help with this, it’s important that you select an advocate or committee of employees to drive the initiative. They should be passionate about the cause and instil sustainable thinking within the workplace. They will manage your sustainability strategy, set goals, and report progress to the entire business.
4. Implement A Recycling/Composting Initiative
It’s important to try to reduce the amount of waste your company produces. You don’t want to be contributing to landfill any more than necessary. We’re sure you know that disposing of your general waste can be costly. But what if we told you about 70% of the contents of your general waste bin could instead go in the recycling or compost bin? Not only would this be better for the environment, but it could save you a lot of money too. Label bins and make sure your employees know what goes in which bin. Here’s a list you may find helpful.
5. Be Mindful of Your Business’s Energy Consumption
There are plenty of ways to reduce your energy consumption, from switching off desktop screens in the evening to shopping around for a new provider. It doesn’t matter how big or small your business is, finding ways to reduce your energy consumption and save on costs should always be a top priority. So, here’s 7 ways you can go about doing just that!
6. Get Involved in Community Projects
How can you help your local community with their environmental or sustainable initiatives? Community involvement is effective in raising brand awareness and establishing a good reputation. It can also drive customer loyalty and shows you care. Embrace these opportunities and use them to help action your sustainability mission statement.
7. Switch to Sustainable Products and Suppliers
Source sustainable goods and services from local suppliers. Do they also practice green initiatives? It’s important to do this research when thinking of making your business more sustainable. You’ll want to link in with companies who are as conscious about the environment and their carbon footprint as your business is.
Think outside the box when it comes to this one. How about upgrading your company vehicles to electric or installing solar panels? Did you know, at Panda’s Material Recovery Facility we’ve installed an array of solar panels on the rooftop? They’re used to power our entire sustainable recycling facility, which is the largest in Ireland. Plus, they charge Ireland’s 1st zero-emission refuse collection vehicles!
8. Don’t Throw Away, Donate!
When upgrading furniture, electronics, and appliances, recycle or repurpose these items by donating them to charitable organisations instead of dumping them. Think green, save costs, and help your local community.
9. Keep Looking For Ways To Improve
Setting your sustainability goals is just a brick in the road if you really want to go green. Reviewing your progress and knowing what is/isn’t working is crucial for success. Continue to look out for ways to improve and get plans in motion for the future of your business.
Inspired by the ethos behind the Sustainable Development Goals, Panda makes it our business to take corporate social responsibility. Our experienced customer care team is ready and waiting to help you find a solution that fits your business needs. Click here to learn more.